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Member Since 12 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Jan 03 2010 07:14 PM

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In Topic: Who here owns their own fruit machine(s)?

27 May 2009 - 06:12 PM

I own a cops and robbers crack the safe (pictue below)
brought for £100 including delivery .... bargin?? i think so any way not to sure about prices lol

Bell fruit machine!
Currently £25 jackpot
30p play
82% payout


In Topic: Percentage and stake change help needed

12 May 2009 - 10:25 AM

pm me if you need a stake and prize key.

£1.50 inc postage.


DAAAAM Just brought one lol but thanks anyways

In Topic: Percentage and stake change help needed

11 May 2009 - 03:10 PM

Switch the bugger off :lol:
Put the switches on the stake/prizes key to like you said 00011000
Put the s/p key in the "hole" lol
Turn the bugger back on

Done (:

PS: you might get an alarm when it initializes but it will go off after about 5-10 seconds and you'll never hear it until you change the key again

cheers matey i just wanted to make sure before i started faffin with the machine .. i dont wanna fook it up went he just got the machine lol

thanks alot

In Topic: Percentage and stake change help needed

10 May 2009 - 10:52 PM

You've found your dip switches by the sounds of it mate, they change things like single credit play and autopayout. So yeah you will need a stake and prizes key if you wanna change it to that.

ok cheers matey im new and still obviously getting used to the whole experience of it all ... ill get there someday lol thanks anyway :twitcy:

p.s with the key do you change it to the relevant code then put it in and leave it or what? :( sorry if these questions are very amature lol

In Topic: Percentage and stake change help needed

10 May 2009 - 09:07 PM

depends what type of stake and prize key you have as some have different settings.

you may have program chips that specific to that price of play.


so he will need a prize and stake key to change it? ... on the board itself there are 8 little switchs ... throught this might change it?

the 8 switchs are placed just below where you put in the prize and stake key. you have any idea what these are used for then?