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Member Since 18 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active May 18 2020 10:42 AM

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In Topic: DOND emulators

15 April 2020 - 03:22 PM

Yep looks that way.


I was only offering to check to see if all ok as a couple of people are sat their without responding to validation emails so they don't come in.


I'll not bother in future.

Apologies, had not checked this due to work


Yes i was validated fine, very good site there lots to choose from


Thank you

In Topic: DOND emulators

13 April 2020 - 01:26 PM

Don't bother with V10.1. go and get V19 and update that to V19.8 via the about menu. You'll need to be running Windows 10. Then try.


ok thank you, just waiting to be validated on that site

In Topic: DOND emulators

13 April 2020 - 01:19 PM

Run the emulator. Click file, load game and direct the emulator to the fml/gam file you have.

 i've done that with all the games on mfme 10.1 but it says layout not found when i load them up, do you know how to fix that at all or what i would need to download? Thank you,

In Topic: DOND emulators

13 April 2020 - 01:08 PM

Head over here http://www.desertisl...ex.php?/portal/ Sign up and all the emulators you need are there for DOND.


Thank you, do you know what programme to run them on or how to as i have downloaded the games and have the emulator but not sure how to get them to work