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Member Since 20 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 11 2009 05:41 PM

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Need help with Mazooma side splitter 25JP

20 March 2009 - 04:42 PM

I've got a side splitter machine 25p play £25 jackpot and need some help with setting the thing up.
Firstly there is only a few quid in the machine so i dump the hopper then dump it again so it knows its empty. The machine has a £125 float value with no money in the hopper it will happily offer me £15-£20 win on board when playing with loose change (dropping into the bottom).
What i dont understand is why it will keep giving money out with the hopper empty do i need to fill it with £125 to make it operate normally, i just thought i could start it empty and over time it will fill up with pound coins to a level of which it would start to pay out.
I think the person who ad it before me has been playing with the dip switches on the machine. It is fitted with a scorpion MPU 4

Any help will be grateful