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Member Since 06 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 11 2009 12:21 AM

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In Topic: Club Bobby Dazzler

10 April 2009 - 08:57 PM

red feature = super feature
red cash = repeat chance

Is anything worth taking on the red feature/cash board then...?
Are you guaranteed a repeat when red, as you get a repeat chance when it's not red....

It won't find the game because you don't have the game.

Are you saying I can run this with the door open? & if so, where are the files?


In Topic: Club Bobby Dazzler

07 April 2009 - 07:49 PM

Thanks for the replies guys..

What emu runs the files then, the game manager in MFME10 doesn't even acknowledge a game exists in my folder....

How did you get it to run at all?

Anyways, the super feature...

I'm guessing this is a better version of the normal features, which are just as pants as the normal features (unless you've only stuck a few quid in it :))


In Topic: Introduce yourself

06 April 2009 - 01:30 PM

Used to FME years ago and lost my way, ok I started a business and became a proper person lol, but since watching my mate do his brains on Mazooma's Club Bobby Dazzler I thought I'd join up and see if I could find any info about this machine (like what's importance of the feature board going red after lighting bobby dazzler) or whether or not it can be emulated to see just how bad it is...

Anyways, nice to see the 'scene' is still about :)