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Member Since 06 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 11 2009 12:21 AM

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Club Bobby Dazzler

06 April 2009 - 10:37 PM

I didn't know where to post this so I chose here :)

Anyways, does anyone know why the feature board turns red when you initially light 'bobby dazzler' as I can't see what the difference is between the normal colours of the feature board and the red...

I know the 'bobby dazzler' word starts to light up again, only this time in red (once initially completed, causing the feature board to turn red). I assume that completing it a 2nd time wins you the £250....

Anyways, if you're not punting the machine for the £250, what difference is their between the normal/red feature board....?


I was hoping for an emu, but I've only found .bin, .lo/hi and rom.hex files which don't do swat in MFME :(