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Member Since 02 Oct 2003
Offline Last Active Apr 25 2009 12:59 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Friday poss Meteor Shower in the UK

11 August 2006 - 08:58 PM

ahem... that story is two years old...

In Topic: Fruity toss ups

11 August 2006 - 07:35 PM

wrong hi-lo button 3 or four times.....

forgetting that every machine doesnt let you collect on mystery...

Watching it say hold em' again and forgetting to take my hand off start

erm and a diamond one..... £15.... cash collect... pushed collect... realised there was a cash collect button and collect 1 ko.... hit a tenner so not too sad... but still

In Topic: new clones!! whoops i mean test machines

02 August 2006 - 11:26 PM

Anyone else notice the 'EASY, EASY' Feature on the GOALL!! one

In Topic: new clones!! whoops i mean test machines

01 August 2006 - 02:20 PM

I've just notice, why does that 4 reel gooaallll machine come with £25 decals...Its a club machine :S

In Topic: most won with £1

31 July 2006 - 09:21 PM

like £17 out of a golden spinner game....was shit really.