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Member Since 10 May 2009
Offline Last Active Jun 20 2013 02:25 PM

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In Topic: The Giving Up Machines (Or Gambling) For 2013 Thread!

12 March 2013 - 11:28 PM

Been trying to pack it in for 2013 myself too, couple of slips but really think im done now. Doing it a lot less than I have (thus havent been posting here). 


My main thing is if I give up fruity's, I will eventually crack and gamble online, using blocking software now and not taking much cash down the pub so I don't get tempted and I can remember how much I have blown away.


Today was a complete Sh1tter though and it would of probably annoyed a lot of you, had you been in the situation.




Put some cash in the bank and went off to the pub for a quick pint or 2. Bumped into this complete idiot I used to hang around with a while back. I guess when I did hang around with him I considered him as a friend. In reality though he was nothing but greedy and a complete idiot. I remember the days when he would meet me for a few beers, after about 2 pints he would claim he's got no cash left, so I would offer and go and buy him a pint.... About an hour later he would slipup and take his wallet out and I would have a glance at a big wad of notes :o. Not once did he get me any drinks back...


He was in the pub n sat with me, I thought I may as well have a drink with him as I barely see him (thankfully)


Anyway back to what happened.


Got a pint and had about 4 quid in change and a £20 note left. hadn't had a gamble in about a month so decided to have a quick go on "karate quid" (The usual type of machine in pubs now... DOND style offer feature).


1st quid @ 25p a spin got me up and the board seemed generous. From the way it was playing it seemed the previous player had lost a fair bit and it felt like jackpot or a high win was near.


After I used my change I put the £20 in, £1 a spin. Was down to the last £10, then got up and got the mega board unlocked. I decided to carry on until question mark and then play the mega board (DOND offer game)... landed on question mark, but the soddin thing wouldnt let me play it... I then looked at what was in my cashpot and it was £34... again I couldnt take it due to the question mark, had I noticed it was at £34 before I would of taken it..... Question mark was game over :(.


Last tenner and still at £1 a spin. 1st spin turned reels red (basically keeps number trail held until you win something or actually get up on the board). It was up to 7 with the numbers, just 1 more needed.... then on reel 3 it showed the jackpot symbol in the middle twice (Each time it shows in middle on 3rd reel it upgrades the possible start... so when the board started I would of had "Mega" start... the best possible start).


Guaranteed that would of been a £50+ board. So yea, 1 more number needed, about 5 £1 spins left. No number, no number.... last spin.... No number....


I knew it only needed a few more spins, so I asked that guy I bumped into to just stand by the machine and not let anyone on it so I could go to the cashpoint across the road and take out some cash.


Took out £30. Was only gone 5 mins.... came back and he was still stood by it.


Put £20 in.... and WTF!? The reels were no longer red, the "mega start" light had gone out and the trail was no longer on 7..



I asked the guy why the hell did it do that? It should have been how I left it..... He then told me he put 50p in and had 2 spins when I was at the cashpoint..... Whyyyyy? It was only a few £1 spins away from the mega board and he went and prevented that by having 2 25p spins when I was getting money out to play again.



It seemed to of played crap after that, blew £20 of what I got out of cashpoint, only 1 board which killed me right away... In total that made it nearly £50 down... really pee'd off.




In a way its reminded me how crap fruity's are.... but I couldnt believe that guy... Lost out on a decent board because he put in 50p. Wouldnt surprise me if he had actually won something big while I was at cashpoint

In Topic: Complete Red Gaming Machine Stripped.. All For Sale

04 January 2013 - 10:36 PM

hereford (west mids, near wales) matey

In Topic: Complete Red Gaming Machine Stripped.. All For Sale

02 January 2013 - 05:53 PM

I havent really tried selling it as a whole if im honest, problem was I cant actually shift it from my room as whole (when putting it in my room we had old floor tiles and they were cracked to bits, cant risk that again and scraped door frames)


thanks for the link, I will give it a go there ;)

In Topic: Deal Or No Deal £70 Jackpot

29 January 2012 - 02:17 PM

we all moan n curse these £70 machines but yet we all still play them lol .

Well since theres nothing else to play people have to go on them....or play nothing at all.

For me I have given up gambling altogether. Part of my drastic downfall was indeed the DOND machines.

I can tell countless story's of how bad these machines have had my money off me (mostly where I go to the pub with £30, buy a pint and go home with nothing). They were that bad that on 1 occasion I recall getting 4 jackpots throughout the day but still ending up £150 down.

I know of many times where I would be paid my wages. Take out the max I could for that day (£300), then lose the entire lot on DOND machines. That happened maybe 20 times and only once did I walk home with near enough my £300 I took out. Usually I would put in £200 and then get the £70jp, but then since im over £100 down would try on another DOND machine which would eat the rest of my cash.

The problem is because people do put in high amounts of cash believing its about to pay is that they often lose more than they wanted to lose. This opens the doors for chasing losses which they may try to gain at some online casino back at home. Because they are betting higher on the £70jp's they will get out of the pattern of gambling low amounts and gambling responsibly and quite possibly end up becoming someone who gambles more than they earn.

The sad thing now is pubs and everywhere are going to be filled with digital fruit machines where they can set the jackpot however they like. I can just see it now.... machines being set to £500 jp's and the local pub turning into more of a gambling den than a pub

In Topic: Goooooal! - @&%$£"# Grrr

26 July 2010 - 11:05 PM

totally, I think the reason i was intruiged was because usually these £70jp machines when I last played them ages ago were only 70%, so of course in gambling the extra 10% could well make all the difference....

I was getting them boards where you know the next turn is going to kill you, whatever happens. If you look at £5jp machines you can sometimes have a feeling it will kill you but then wham... it doesnt... however with £70jps when you think its gonna kill you next 99.9% of the time you are right.

I thought maybe the industry had changed regarding £70jp machines but nope...

Even a damm FOBT gave me more of a game that that machine and we all know FOBT's = wont just rob your money, they will also take your empty wallet as well.