Thanks for help with the Simpsons machine I had, all working lovely now alongside my Monopoly 60th edition machine.
Just got the Barcrest Fright Night and what a state its in, all the plastics inside (lamp holders ect.) are all duct taped on !, aside all that the lock to open the front top (the only access) has rusted , luckily open..
The Problems:-
(1) - The LCD Display does not work, any ideas what to check for ? or where to buy replacement (part no?) if it is dead
(2) - Switch it all on and everything (aside the lcd) looks like it working, it all flashes, and can stay on for ages, but as soon as you put ANY money in 10,20,£1 the alarm starts screaming at you, I cannot see an error code, it briefly worked for about 5 minutes when i tried earlier then the same again on coin entry

(3) - I have no manual can anyone hook me up ?
Thank you kindly everyone , from sunny Weston-Super-Mare