Hi there thanks for yr replyThe MPU 3 / 4 would looks something like this when removed from it's plastic housing (One from my Super Blackjack Club here, which is an MPU4): http://homepage.ntlw...it/PICT0003.JPG
With plastic housing: http://homepage.ntlw...it/PICT0001.JPG
The game card would be in the slot to the left on the last link.
I am guessing it's this game card and not the MPU that is missing?
If this is the case, we would need to know what MPU version you have (Most likley mpu3 / 4, and the games name.
It is a mpu 3 and i need a game card or programme module for the game 'ONLINE'
It is a 10 p 3 pound jackpot machine any idea where i may get one from?
I am in new zealand.
Also any idea of an approx cost?
i only bought the machine for (yr money) approx 6 pound
So am willing to spend a few dollars or pounds to get it going
Thanks again.