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Member Since 30 Jun 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 09 2010 07:27 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Digital Display Help On My Barcrest.

09 November 2010 - 07:28 AM

first thing check all connections and see if the battery has started to leak.

if not clear the ram by changing the % or stake/jackpot. may help.


Cheers KD.....I'm not being rude, I just haven't had chance to try it yet!!

In Topic: Anyone Have Any Machines For Sale?

17 October 2010 - 04:44 PM

Got a jackpot genie on 10p £5 JP, make me an offer, i'm in M46 area


put a pick up and i'll make you an offer.

In Topic: Anyone Have Any Machines For Sale?

16 October 2010 - 08:55 PM

Got a jackpot genie on 10p £5 JP, make me an offer, i'm in M46 area


unless you have the £25 decal wouldnt want a £5 one, sorry.

In Topic: Anyone Have Any Machines For Sale?

16 October 2010 - 08:45 PM

ive got a cashino500 for sale, will try and install monty python and grand casino tomorrow

how much is it?

In Topic: Project - Casino King Roulette

05 October 2010 - 08:06 PM

about right, but i`ll put all the games on so it will have RR,MP,GC,C500 and elvis.

Will the Cashino be cash and all the rest demo?

My favourie is deffo monty python.

Id be interested depending on cond, what games, note acceptor? and price.