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Member Since 19 Jul 2009
Offline Last Active Dec 28 2012 01:59 PM

Topics I've Started

Casino Crazy Club

13 September 2012 - 11:40 PM

Had a mad fault. Error 01 42 which is 20p hopper problem.
Hopper had been fine for years. Stripped it , cleaned it and found two one pound coins in.
Sorted i thought. Re-initialized and error code appeared again, Ok i thought, 20p hopper was dead.
I swapped 20p with the pound hopper. Still error 01 42. Unplugged hoppper loom to mpu and hey presto it initialized.
So Mpu the culprit. But i only had the 4 expansion impact board and i needed a single one that was in machine.

So to end my long story do you think i was right about mpu - my first thought was i've cleared jam now ram clear to get rid of error code. But the bugger just would not clear. so how do you ram clear an JPM impact board?

P.S. are the hopper driver boards on side of pay out tray known to go bad?

I have not had that much experiance with these older JPM machines.

Thanks in advance,

Making Your Own Percentage Keys

14 March 2012 - 09:37 AM

Hi , Just bought a Mazooma Nuns and roses £35 pounder Jacky. No Manual.
Has anyone got a link to a diagram for moving the links on the plug. Its on default now 74%. I want to put have one for my self at the 90% mark.
Also does anyone know the dip (Skorp 4) to enable transfering ,its off at the minute.
Thanks .

Collection / liscence issue

20 January 2010 - 04:17 PM

Hi all. Im having trouble with regaurds to a recent collection i went too.
i will throw some figures at you. Total cash in m/c = £188. less 15% vat = £164 roughly. club is on 50/50 split giving them total £82. Ok so far. Prob is the liscence fee. B4 is roughly £840 a year which goes to the gov. The deal this club gets is that my comp pays the liscence and they pay 12 equal installments each month (interest free loan if you will) of £77 . So i took the £77 from the £82 leaving them £5! clearly not viable as not many punters play it.Problem is that the club say i should of took the liscence fee from the £164 cash. Which = £87. Now do the 50/50 giving the club £43.5. Basically i need to khow which method is correct. Many thanks in advance for anyone who can help.