Member Since 15 Oct 2003Offline Last Active Dec 13 2024 09:04 PM
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andrewizlegend → sparky1971
Do you still have the link for that reel king ??? or any others like that etc ......

Deano → sparky1971
If you still need them I will be on later on tonight.let me know please.Cheers

sparky1971 → Deano
hi there
got reel king both 35 and 500 now
have u got party games?
do u want reel king 500?

Deano → sparky1971
PM sent.Only have the £35 Reelking Wintime though.Kriss has a link to the £500 Reelking

→ sparky1971
Are you talking about the reel king from Astra? If so then I'm sorry but i don't have the link to the download. Im sure if you do a search on [url=]Fruit Forums[/url] then u might be able to find a download or someone will be able to point you in the right direction. I'm sorry I can't help you any further sparky but The download i got it from is no longer there. Many thanks

sparky1971 → curlywill
hi there ...any chance of sending link for reel king to my hotmail add?
many thanks

sparky1971 → Deano
any chance of the reel king link? i so want to get hold of it