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Member Since 15 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 16 2009 10:31 AM

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Barcrest Boulder Dash Help!!!

15 August 2009 - 08:22 PM

Hi Today i purchased a barcrest Boulder Dash Machine.

its the first machine i have purchased and i am keen to learn about them.

i got the machine. a manual. a hopper collection sheet. a 1998 upgrade sheet?

a key for the bottom of the unit,
a key for the top left part of the unit to open it up. and one key for the inside of the unit to get to the cash boxes.

i do not have a key for the top right barrel.

after a bit of playing with it. and looking t the manual. i can play it, and get the 50 credits from the test. but it does not pay out. i attempted to do some of the cash tests and it Allarms and says there is an obstruction. contacted the seller, and they have said it was disconnected and to look online for some help.

looking at the machine a bit closer and reading the manual. there are no wires going the the refill key barrel.

can anyone help me :(

many Thanks.