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Member Since 17 Oct 2003
Offline Last Active Oct 27 2003 07:51 PM

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In Topic: Where am i going wrong

25 October 2003 - 10:01 PM

Sounds like some sound advice from DAD there...

The way I see it don't gamble unless you can afford to lose... As for Mazooma.... those idiots can eat the peanuts outta my shit! They probably make some of the worst gamblers out there!!!!

Jack the Kipper being one of their more recent 2-bob efforts! No gameplay and no streak = 2-bob... like many mazooma machines :wink:

In Topic: Jackpot increase?

25 October 2003 - 12:33 AM


Surely everyone knows service stations r a rip off in all shape and manner... I mean nearly £10 for brekkie and a drink?!?! Come on!!!

As for the gamblers, IMO its as big a waste of time playing at a service station as it is going into one of those 'dedicated' arcades where as soon as you enter, the hobo's who live there clock you up and down and watch which machine your playing so they can clear it after you've left (Coz they're probably screwing the wenches that work there for inside info!!!)

TOTAL waste of time AND money... IMO...

As for 30p over 25p stake, in my experience you tend to get more play for the extra 5p....

In Topic: Gobsmacked!

24 October 2003 - 02:24 PM

Here, here!

Excellent job all round, I may even try and get into making some of these myself :D

In Topic: Highest Streak Ever

24 October 2003 - 02:22 PM

That was me above btw ;)

In Topic: Highest Streak Ever

23 October 2003 - 11:00 AM

I'd say its the total out (I'd assume you'd have to put at least 5-10er in, although your 10p episode sounds fantastic!

A oner plus is always a veritable pleasure... nothing better than getting ratassed, having a nice Ruby, and going home £40+ up :D