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Member Since 17 Oct 2003
Offline Last Active Oct 27 2003 07:51 PM

Topics I've Started

Highest Streak Ever

23 October 2003 - 09:48 AM

So whats the highest streak you guys have ever had, and on which machines?

I've had a little over £100 out of Doctor Dosh (Mega Streak for £75 + one JP afterplay) :D

Royal Family was always good for £75 too, but never had much more than that...

Anyone bust the £100 mark?

Cops And Robbers Deluxe

22 October 2003 - 03:29 PM


Sorry if this has been discussed before. I'm looking to buy my first gambler for home use, and have seen Cops and Robbers deluxe here:

http://www.fruitmach...ng_specials.htm (Recommended by one of you doods in another post)

3 Questions:

1. Is £425 a good price for Cops and Robbers Deluxe
2. I can't remember whats the difference between Cops and Robbers and Cops and Robbers deluxe (If any)
3. Is there an Emu for C+R deluxe about... not seen one, or a DX version of Public Enemy No.1 (Old student Fav! :D)

Alternatively if anyone recommends another club machine for home use please let me know :)

Many thanks,
