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Fruit machine cheat guide for regular posters.
30 April 2004 - 12:36 PM
Hope this is Ok, let me know if it isn't: If anyone wants the .pdf (unprintable sadly) guide as sold on Ebay then pm or mail me with your board nick and an e-mail addy to benzo.d@tiscali.co.uk and I'll send it to you. It's about 700k, 107 pages of pretty good advice/tips and machine-specific cheats for the likes of Pycho Cash Beast etc. I'm also awaiting delivery of a Barcrest cheat guide so if you want that then you can have it too. FREE that is, both of them, no cash involved. Well I can't offer much else atm and I figure I owe you guys something, for all these layouts at least. I do ask one thing though, that you at least be a poster here, I don't want 200 requests from zero posters thinking they're on to a good thing, you can go buy yours from Ebay.
This is for the guys that have already given in one way or another, either by posting or designing layouts or whatever.

This guy is unreal!
24 April 2004 - 09:59 AM
It's one thing to sell the layouts on Ebay as we've all seen lately, but check out the nerve of this guy:
Incase you missed it: "This software is copyrighted by me, anyone found to be re-producing and/or selling this software on E-Bay will be immediately reported." 8O :eh: 8O
600 layouts to his credit? Does this make you designers mad? I'd be bloody livid; someone do something really nasty and petty to him, it's not right; the guy needs his head twanging. :roll:
Incase you missed it: "This software is copyrighted by me, anyone found to be re-producing and/or selling this software on E-Bay will be immediately reported." 8O :eh: 8O
600 layouts to his credit? Does this make you designers mad? I'd be bloody livid; someone do something really nasty and petty to him, it's not right; the guy needs his head twanging. :roll:
Question about reel scrolling.....
04 January 2004 - 12:31 PM
Ok, an example then would be Smash and Grab, an otherwise superb effort in every respect apart from the reels are, not exactly choppy but, the images seem to simply snap to the next rather than the reel scrolling. If I check the 'smooth' option it does seem to make a difference (although it could quite easily be an illusion brought on by lust) but after several runs (and possibly after the S&G feature), it reverts to the original selection, going back into reel properties and the 'smooth' checkboxes are unchecked again???
I appreciate your input (I'm building my way towards making DXs and want to learn all the quirks, best way to learn is to experiment, and ask the experts - you guys) Oh, and stimulants, obviously.
Thanks in advance, SCmoo.
I appreciate your input (I'm building my way towards making DXs and want to learn all the quirks, best way to learn is to experiment, and ask the experts - you guys) Oh, and stimulants, obviously.

Thanks in advance, SCmoo.
24 October 2003 - 12:13 PM
I've been after a decent fruit-machine sim since the days of the commodore 64, and with each subsequent new system I've gone in search of such said proggies without about as much success as a blind hedgehog with no legs in a painting by numbers competition. Even looking for PC versions, the closest I have ever come is those blastid stupid casino type 3-reel-rip-off-piece-a-shyte-one-arm-bollox, I couldn't believe that nobody ever felt the love for these machines as I once did, growing up in the early eighties with Line-Up and Big-Shot and even the old Rat-Race. Then I found this site, quite by accident, and now I'm in complete awe. I've been in fruity-paradise all week playing all my old favourites not just nearly the same, but totally as I remember them with the sounds and everything. Thank you! You (the layout designers, the site creators, everyone) have done a tremendous job in faithfully reproducing these machines practically without fault, I can't give you enough praise, I'm extremely impressed, very well done! Now, if I could just have a sample of the cash-eject sequence I'd cream my pants, literally, I definately have problems here. I'm amazed at the level of dedication, honestly, some of the machines are so well done you'd swear you were looking through a camera at them. Even the way the reels spin, not a simulation, true emulation. Awesome.

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