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Member Since 04 May 2003
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 01:30 PM

Topics I've Started

The Odyssey has began

10 January 2018 - 02:07 PM

Well after pestering a few people and checking out  various sites and youtube videos i have embarked on a journey that will end hopefully with a table top fruit machine button console to make playing mfme more realistic .Space doesn't permit the full mcoy .

Given that i have never done anything like this before it would have been easy for me just to follow faithfully the info given but i have decided to make the challange harder by limiting my budget to £100 to get it up and running.There have had to been some compromises to get there.

So i have started stage 1 where for £39 i have ordered the kit with 16  illuminated buttons in 4 colours and a usb hub for £5 .

With the kit i should be able to asign the buttons to keys and play mfme off the buttons.

Once that is up and running i will get the pacdrive and move onto stage 2 .



08 July 2014 - 06:14 PM

Been quite a while since fruities were incorporated into mame.Will there ever be any progress in making layout playable.

I know amber and the epoch emulator will eventually cover most of what isn't playable now but it would be nice if mame made use of the resource.

Is there anything happening with Mame

02 October 2013 - 11:14 PM

Been a while now.Does anyone know if there has been any progress with Mame with regards to playing fruities on it.?Can't see any update at Haze's about it.