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Member Since 23 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 05 2009 07:57 PM

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In Topic: MFME 10.1 w*I*p club cops n robbers gold 1024 wdx

20 October 2009 - 05:16 PM

Thank you for the quick reply Tommy,

Worked a treat,

But any chance you could explain how to reset machine back to start! without refill which does not seem to work.

I have to keep installing windows again and that is tedious

In Topic: MFME 10.1 w*I*p club cops n robbers gold 1024 wdx

19 October 2009 - 01:51 PM

Tommy or aka other,

Am busting this machine big,

BUT any chance you could explain or give me a file to make this machine pay only @ 80% please.

Thanks so much if You can help Tommy or whom ever!

In Topic: MFME 10.1 w*I*p club cops n robbers gold 1024 wdx

20 September 2009 - 04:31 PM


I have not really been playing fruit machine's for 15 years!, but this one was my Fav's, although never found a way to let it give the loot other than the odd £60 ,

Been playing tommies release and learning to hold the jackpots, am right into golf & at the local club bust the jackpot TODAY on 2 holds for £250.00 smackers, just shoved in all my loose change which amounted to £14 and hit the JP when I had £6 left.

Would like to think it's this easy am debating whether to have a good bash when the JP's are full again and nobody knows how to get them :)

In Topic: Club Who Wants To Be A Legionnaire DX's

19 September 2009 - 08:02 AM

Great release!

Shame you cannot seem to force it past £75 tried many times having inserted over £1000 and banked a measly £60

Even the inner sunny Money cannot give up with jackpot.

Has anyone won more than £30 on the features

In Topic: JPM Club Cash Bonus.

29 August 2009 - 01:46 PM

great brings back memmories