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Member Since 04 Sep 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 06 2009 12:05 PM

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In Topic: Maygay return of the pink panther fault??

08 September 2009 - 05:17 PM

Yes it is the same bloke, been very helpful so far, but I havent a clue! What I need to know is how do you take the battery off??Just use cutters? And then he told me to wash the board with vinegar, do I spray the whole board? And then I need to rinse it, with what?? I need heeeeeeelp!:arghh:

In Topic: Maygay return of the pink panther fault??

08 September 2009 - 03:28 PM

Hi thanks to both of you for replying. Since I first posted this I have discovered that the battery has slightly leaked, basically its fuzzy on the underside, doesnt look like it has sprayed the board but one of the prongs is also furry. I now wonder if this may also be an issue?? I will try the tips suggested, the machine is currently being refurbished so cant turn it on at the mo. I have been told that I need to remove the battery asap and then wash the board with vinegar and then rinse it, then replace the battery, does this sound about right? I have been speaking to a chap off ebay who sells the replacement batteries.....it is all very bloody confusing:arghh: