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Member Since 04 Sep 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 06 2009 12:05 PM

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Maygay return of the pink panther fault??

04 September 2009 - 10:23 AM

Hi there. I am about to buy a 90's Return of the Pink Panther MAYGAY fruit machine which I have been told has a fault. Basically when you play with cash the alarms go off, but if you set it to freeplay it pays fine. I am assuming it is not something simple like the hopper not being filled with cash, as the bloke I am buying it from has owned it for about 10 years and used it all the time so I would imagine it is not that simple. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what this might be?? Will have more info once I buy the machine, going to look at it tomorrow. Any help and advice would be most appreciated. Cheers.;)