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Member Since 07 Sep 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 08 2010 09:14 PM

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In Topic: Pink panther layouts

29 September 2009 - 02:02 AM

Yes it is. (door open mode at the mo) but hopefully it should run in door closed mode..just a matter of doing the door switches.

ok mate hope u can do it or whoever you know is doing it.

In Topic: Pink panther layouts

29 September 2009 - 02:00 AM

It's not emulatable.

oooow ok but if someone does manage to do it can you post in this thread thanks

In Topic: Pink panther layouts

24 September 2009 - 02:44 AM

hi im looking for a club pink panther rom that is made by QPS not been able to find it anywhere here is a link to show you what the game looks like http://www.qps-interactive.com/

i have found other pink panther games but not this one of which i am looking for.

i would preffer the 75 jp 5p stake but i dont know if this will exist so if you are able to find the 250 jp like in the image that is cool aswell thanks in advance.

much love