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Member Since 08 Nov 2003
Offline Last Active Oct 22 2010 01:39 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Introduce yourself

16 March 2007 - 04:00 PM

hello every one

been on here for a wile now and might i just say that this site is the dog bits!!!

i once had a heavy fruity adiction and managed to knock it down with the help of getting the buzz of the layouts on here.

any ways thank you guys and keep up the good work

In Topic: **Austin Powers 1280 WDX**

13 March 2007 - 03:31 PM

ah yes roms in there just not tryed in mfme 9.4 . all working ok yahhhh

In Topic: **Austin Powers 1280 WDX**

09 March 2007 - 08:34 PM

Been on the fruit forums site, but its just similar to this one. (The thread about the Austin Powers release) I downloaded the file, and extracted it. It gave me:

64kb RAM File called - austin
A Video CD Movie file?
and Austin.gam

Sorry, your gonna have to help me again if you don't mind. Thanks alot.

i have downloaded this aswell i think its just a layout and does not have rom.
i too wouldnt mind help if im rong thanks

In Topic: club psycho cash beast tips wanted

25 February 2007 - 09:55 PM

hi peeps does anybody no of any tips for club psycho cash beast i seem to lose all time ,its my best fruity yet well done for this emulation.

me beining stupid:-) but can we download this one then???

In Topic: xbox software modding via memory card

03 December 2005 - 11:03 PM

hi guys, im lucky to have my xbox chipped and an 80 gig hd loads of roms inc: mame, md, snes, ms, nes, psx, cps 1&2 (2d fighters) and loads more to much to put here. to mod it without a chip is very posible but you can only play copied x box games with it (check torrents for evox loader disk. does it all for you). to do the above you have just got to ge a chip!

but that said here are a few of my fav sites. enjoy




ps. if any one cracks how to put fruit emu's on the xbox please let me no.