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Member Since 09 Nov 2003
Offline Last Active Apr 14 2004 04:54 PM

Topics I've Started

Mazooma machines

22 April 2004 - 09:53 PM

Hi All,

I wondered if anybody knows how long it will me before we start to see mazooma (i think thats how you spell it) will be on this site! They are my fave machines, esp the golden game and golden arena games, but like most of them!

I know they are not more than 5 years old as mazooma only started in 2001, but im dying to play it om my computer!

I'm not really into standard AWP's I'm more of a lo tech streak and win spins kinda person!

Love playing the golden game too much he he he!!!

Thanks peeps


Crazy Fruits £15/£25

19 February 2004 - 05:13 PM

Hi All,

Does anybody know id it's possible for a release of Crazy Fruits £15 or £25 jackpot!

You know the machine where you get 3 keys in and the reels spin to give various wins?????

I'm not sure if this can be done?


p.s i know there is a version but there are no roms, yeah you can use some roms with it but hey its not really like the real thing!!

Just wondered!!


help please

05 January 2004 - 12:19 AM

When i download the red alerts and impulse machine from the front page, when i open it the first real is missing, the rest of the machine displays ok and it looks good, but i cant seem to get the first feel, ive downloaded it again in case it didnt fully complete the first time and its the same!!

I was just wondering if im doing anything wrong!



party time/arena roms!

24 December 2003 - 03:21 PM

Hi Ya all i just thought id ask why we cant get the party time arena roms?

The classic rom are rubbish, unless you can get the roms, i see no point in the layout at all!!

If you play party time you want it work and sound like partytime, otherwise whats the point of playing it?

Im not having a moan im juts popping the facts down on the table!!!

Hope you all have a great christmas and a hapy new year!!!

dont get drunk now!!!
