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Member Since 10 Nov 2003
Offline Last Active Oct 21 2004 07:32 AM

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In Topic: Hey im one of those annyoying people with stupid questions!

08 October 2004 - 07:12 AM

Thanks alot for that, quite informative! i only have one because quite alot of players have them, to be honest it hasnt done much! i have my own machine (rogan dosh, which you emailed me about the other day barcrest bonito) i live in hemel hempstead hertforshire if you are interested in buying it! £200!

Thanks for the help!

and i'll ask the right questions next time!!



In Topic: Hey im one of those annyoying people with stupid questions!

07 October 2004 - 01:14 PM

i was wrong to say 'im one of those annoying people' etc etc and next time i shall use your advice! and please dont tell me what i am.....which is not an addict! i have a good job with good money with a a good car and a good girlfriend, and errr play machine on the ODD occasion and play emulators mostly! i am not a down and out with £14,000 debt! that spends all day on this site! im failry new too fruitys so how was i to know you were going to kick off about my 'stupid' question

Gunner out lol

In Topic: Hey im one of those annyoying people with stupid questions!

07 October 2004 - 09:17 AM

why did some of you leave posts here if your going to critisize? i asked a simple question, im not an addict just a small time player with a little question!

You guyes are obv still bitter from all that you lost when you were addicts!

does the world owe you a favour boys? next time dont reply if you havent got anything better to say!

and to the helpful individuals thanks very much thats answered my question!

In Topic: Greed features

24 September 2004 - 07:49 AM

£10 is the most iv had out of 'the incredible hulk' but 9/10 if you go higher that £6 you will get lumbered with qa quid! one time i went for better than £3.40 and it gave me £1 but it must have been really empty though! my advice take £6 and run if its playing average! but if its playing well plug away!


In Topic: "payout tester" a must see

22 September 2004 - 10:24 AM

I could have sworn this forum was called 'Real Fruit Machines'
my eyes are not as good as they use to be....