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Member Since 11 Nov 2003
Offline Last Active Nov 27 2014 03:38 AM

Topics I've Started


15 May 2004 - 01:36 PM

Hello all, I was wondering if the following machines could be considered by the designers as they are all in my top 10 for playability.

2 for BFMulator:- Instant Win and Big Breakfast

And 1 by BWB.....Kings and Queens (Andy loves Flo clone)

I think they are all possible.

Temple of Treasure EMU

25 February 2004 - 02:10 PM

I have seen lots of very recent jpm's being emulated like tomb raider but classics like TOT that are 4-5 years old are yet to be seen.

Is there a good reason for Temple of Tresure not being released yet?