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Member Since 12 Nov 2003
Offline Last Active Feb 21 2010 12:08 AM

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In Topic: mfme not responding

30 April 2005 - 03:20 AM

Ok you need to check for a conflict. I didn't read the post correctly lol
Click on 'start' in windows, then 'run'.
Type in msconfig and click ok.
The system config utility appears.
On the general tab, click on 'diagnostic start up', then 'apply' and 'close'.
When it asks re-start the machine.
The machine will boot up clean with sod all running silently bar essential system featues. Try the emulator.
If it works you have a conflict.If not go back to my earlier post about a rollback or damaged DLL.
Re-start your machine normally by starting msconfig again and choosing normal start up.
If you do have a conflict, open up the task manager and click on the processers tab. Shut down each process that is listed to your user account (ie your name), not ones listed under SYSTEM. After each shutdown try the emulator again.

In Topic: mfme not responding

30 April 2005 - 12:21 AM

The fact you have run the emulator in safe mode without success ain't good news, it originally sounded like a simple program conflict but you've proved otherwise.
One option is a damaged DLL file in your system32 folder (lots of program use a shared library to perform common tasks), which could of been overwritten, replaced, corrupted etc
Any mfme programmers here know which shared or common DLL files the emulator users? If so these are easy to download and replace.
A virus raping your system is another grim possibility but not to likely as you would notice cascasding failures if it was one of the bad ones.
The easy thing to do would a be a XP rollback to a couple of weeks ago (start-->all programs--->accessories---->system tools--->system restore), or before the problem occured.

My first post here after, been reading the board for donkeys. After co running a UT gaming forum a few years ago i found forums tend to become habit forming and make your free time dissolve like snow under a torrent of hot piss.

Thanks for all the hard work guys, on the boards and with the emulator and layouts.