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Member Since 12 Nov 2003
Offline Last Active Oct 23 2006 08:16 PM

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In Topic: Scorpion 4 Emulation

30 August 2006 - 10:17 PM

well glad to see that its stimulating debates on all forums.

Firstly I know S4 is a current tech, so was impact when it was first done and there was no fall out from JPM when everything was kept to old machines, there was even talk at some point that JPM would provide resources and maybe even host layouts for download but that all went when leaks and new machines were done.

I have worked out a fail safe to stop machines being emulated that are still current. The main one being forget about emulating cctalk and SEC meters, this will kill any of the new stuff running. Also the emulator will be coded to only run acceptable roms, it will know what machine is running and only allow those machines to run. There will be no private betas, when something is stable and useable it will be released so none of this "user x has something i dont have" arguments and nobody can be held to ransom over "full" versions.

Im not using any BFM bios code or anything like that either so legally there is no come back there. The infomation about the roms that can run will also not be part of the emulator either so nothing there that will break any copyrights

Its going to be a slow road but im confident I will get there

In Topic: Gone Back To Playing £5 JP's and Having MORE FUN!

22 July 2006 - 02:13 PM

Quite simply dont touch a £5 machine with only the one £1 hopper. If you think about it you are playing a hi tech machine with only 5 win values. You win "60p" but the machine cant pay that so rounds it up, meaning you have to go longer until the next win as it has to get the percentage back from somewhere. Same goes for a gamble. On a single hopper 1.20 1.60 and 2.00 are all the same gamble, yet it still will lose.

if you have a machine with a 20p hopper then these become gambles again and the machine can be a lot more feature friendly rather than waiting for enough to pay a round pound

Also, Barcrest and Bell Fruit £5 machines are just the £25 versions with the jp reduced, i.e. they still want to save for a streak and will do so by blocking smaller wins especially on lower percentages.

In Topic: Mpu5

20 July 2006 - 09:17 PM

really? - not even gonna bother , reason bein you just gave it out to easy so probably a. notin in the zip b. false layout and/or emu with some sort of message gonna come up. actually maybe later incase you are not lying or the real one by anymeans bein posted would be nice also just rememered that mpu 5 roms are a lot bgger than 2 odd meg :)


I have a set of MPU5 roms that zip up to a lot less than 2meg, infact I think they zip to under 512k

In Topic: Mpu5

20 July 2006 - 07:54 PM

I want the one that runs MPU2 and MPU1 as have had the mpu5 one for a year now

In Topic: A thought about Hybrid and Custom layouts.

09 July 2006 - 10:54 PM

Oh and just to throw my view in, yes, hybrids are mainly a waste of time as they are not the machine they pretend to be, but sometimes they still turn out better than layouts done with the correct artwork