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Member Since 03 Oct 2009
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In Topic: Project Amber free?

27 June 2014 - 12:29 PM

lol not at all, I don't even have an e-bay, amazon or other similar account, I just had amber, most MFME versions and a few machine's already on an old computer that died, all downloaded when the limit was off for a while, I'm not so much into it now but I felt like having amber back but may have to settle for a different emu as amber is over the daily download limit, I can't find it anywhere else either, no worries anyway. Amber2 sounds good, if I can get it lol. Cheers!

In Topic: Project Amber free?

27 June 2014 - 09:15 AM

Ok, thanks Vectra666. What do you mean nails? Were you talking to Vectra666?