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Member Since 03 Oct 2009
Offline Last Active Jun 01 2014 08:58 PM

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In Topic: 2p Unlimited 1600 DX

09 December 2009 - 03:50 PM

You tried to release it? what does that mean???
have a read of the tutorials , all you need to get them running is in there.
also you have downloaded 26 now so do you have any running?

thanks i got most of it working i just needa know how to rescale it down cause im on a laptop ??

In Topic: 2p Unlimited 1600 DX

08 December 2009 - 03:47 PM

I'm confused big time here........unzip as you have on the other 22 downloads you have made....If you have just downloaded and not opened any yet (then why download them all?) but try reading the tutorials on the left of the homepage.....Tutorials - Fruit-Emu (Fruit Machine Emulation)

And open with the emu as it says on the release thread (attached below)

It runs fine!

i tryed to release it there and i still cant open the file ? and i unziped the file aswell . wb

In Topic: 2p Unlimited 1600 DX

08 December 2009 - 03:02 PM

Having had 22 dowmloads before this One I hope you know how to open an Emulation?

The file I can assure you IS there as I have just tried.

okies i dont know how to open it ? , i tryed open it and just says file does not exist how would i open this after file is downloaded

In Topic: 2p Unlimited 1600 DX

08 December 2009 - 02:31 PM

i try downloading the file there and it wont let me open it sayin that the file isnt there what do i do ?