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Member Since 13 Dec 2003
Offline Last Active Feb 21 2012 09:22 PM

Topics I've Started

Did it used to be skill to win a gamble?

29 June 2006 - 09:39 PM

Back in the good old days, on alot of machines I used to play (nudges unlimited for example) I could regularly gamble right up to the jackpot (£2 or whatever) and you could often do it more than once in a row. As the years have gone on, it seems to be almost impossible to gamble very high unless the machine want's to let you. I can remember hating the old ACE machines as I could never win a gamble on them. :(

Monty Pyhtons Flying Circus....Super cash knockouts

26 June 2006 - 10:07 PM

In what way are they super? (The 5 that you can get on the super feature)

Can you get a lower amount on the next knockout if you don't take the first amount like on normal knockouts?

I was playing this machine (£100) on saturday night. I had a feature and used the bonus nudges to nudge in £30 (3 cashpots) I then had to super knockouts and the first one landed on £60. So not knowing if the next one would only go higher I took the £60 incase I lost it to a £40 win for example.

Anyway, £60 for £3 play wasn't to be sniffed at. I had a right result next tho as I went into the bar and within £2 dropped the £100 jackpot on the Lord of the rings machine.