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Member Since 17 Dec 2003
Offline Last Active Jul 16 2006 09:57 PM

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rom burners for MFME?

02 January 2005 - 01:31 AM

Hi All,

I'm a recent convert to fruit machine emulation, but long-time MAME fan. I have a complete set of roms and extras for MAME (latest version .89), and being a klepto would like to build a complete set for MFME (and other fruit machine emulators). Now, for MAME - now totalling 35GB for a full set! - the only practical way to quickly achieve this is via a rom burner, such as one of the great folks at http://www.lazarus.org.uk

Does such a group exist for fruit machine emulation? Even if not, I'd love to do a trade for DVDRs e.g. can burn all of MAME, plus loads of ZX Spectrum etc. stuff if desired... Anyone??

N.B. I am not a spammer - this is a genuine question and one-off request!

Cheers all :D