(25 April 2012 - 04:45 PM)saw one go for £250 not too long back, I thought that was a lot to be honest.
(14 April 2012 - 07:06 AM)Think the emulator has taken some hard work, just not sure about releasing it without some layouts to play it on. That's sort of like releasing a car without a motor.. Yes machines can be designed on it - but not everyone's a mechanic?
(13 April 2012 - 05:41 PM)any releases for it yet?
(09 July 2011 - 09:18 PM)women's football is like men's breastfeeding!!
(02 July 2011 - 02:20 PM)everyone's waiting for the new emulators, so there's a collective breath in.. Hopefully at least update of one of them soon.
(25 June 2011 - 05:50 PM)ha I just got back from Alton Towers mate - saw the guy up their freeing Oblivion due to them being stuck. Queues were terrible! Went on Air, Thirteen, Hex, Blade and Duel ;-)
(13 June 2011 - 06:02 PM)I have tried several times, can never get tables or get it working either!! lol
(30 May 2011 - 11:16 AM)I watched the first Hangover yesterday and while it wasok, just didn't get the hype to be honest
(30 December 2010 - 07:06 PM)epee can give you bjs?? It can do everything!!
(16 July 2010 - 04:40 PM)I think it's 750
(15 July 2010 - 07:56 AM)£450 is max I would pay, 500 max if you really want it - seen them go for £450.
(29 June 2010 - 07:02 AM)How many machines suddenly for sale on here? Should mean lots of donations then :-) credit crunch?
(27 June 2010 - 04:11 PM)load of overpaid t*ssers who have no hunger, performance related pay and a low basic would change the results. They earn too much and do too little. Wasters.
(10 June 2010 - 11:17 AM)deal or no deal is no longer hosted on here I think it's now only available on snizzle.com