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Member Since 02 Jan 2004
Offline Last Active Nov 19 2016 08:53 PM

Topics I've Started


11 March 2005 - 06:39 PM

there is alot of gamblers that ive played but i cant find the thing on here so im asking 3 things.....

1. ive been on a site that tells you the gamblers that arent out on emulation..... is it ilegal to make these or is it just no one has got round to doing them.... things like (super charged, king K.O)

2. can some one tell me any other good sites for downloading emulations of gamblers. ( not that there is anything better than fruit-emu :D )

3. can some one tell me how to get in the chat rooms...

thanks very much


09 February 2005 - 09:56 PM

:evil: there is a fruit machine in my local called super charged. It has 3
hi-lo things. the main point about it is.there is the normal fruits and every thing but if you get 3 flags on the winline you open a features whgere you have to choose red or blue and if you get it correct you get a certsin prize amount. PLEASE could someone have a go at makin this fruit machine. or tell me where to get ti.... i am willing to pay the creator. please reply :lol:

PLEASE HELP>>>>>>>>>>>>

12 May 2004 - 06:53 PM

I have played on a certain fruit machine but i cant remember the name. on the reels there is pictures of frankinstien heads and if you get all 3 in view you go up on the board. on the board you have to get to the top. after your first press a ghost chaces you. also there is a tree in the right corner. if you get certain numbers on the tree lit up you get bonuss.
ps. is it emulated.


08 January 2004 - 05:59 PM

How come none of my DX emulations work. all the others work that ive got (with help from PASH) so im just wondering wats going on. Im trying to run them through The latest JPM (2.41b or something)
Am i running them on the wrong emulator.

PS. I downloaded the instalation wizard program with three differant emulators in. These were the ones
JPM(already got update)
JUst wondering if there was any updates for the BFM and the MPEMU.


PPS. how do you get the pictures under your name on the replys from the forum.
eg. England flag


07 January 2004 - 07:13 PM

After all my trouble with the "no .gam file" i took your advise and unzipped the files i was emulations i was using.
eg. Dels millions.

But now i have a differant problem..... I go to open a file in JPM and it says all that prosessing stuff and then it finishs. But no game loads up. When i go to file, open game. It comes up with game already opened close and restart. PLEASE HELP.