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Member Since 04 May 2003
Offline Last Active Jun 24 2022 07:27 PM

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Any classics left to play in great yarmouth.

25 July 2013 - 07:52 PM

Hi guys having a small break up there next weekend and was wondering if theres any decent classics left to play or any hidden jems in nearby places.


Was last here about 7 year ago and did have a few about especially the caravan site in hopton nearby lots of mpu 5 stuff anyway temple of treasure,spiker biker and the like.


Remember having a trip to lowestoft up the road and there was a good selection in an arcade there each way nudges, and quite a few others, aperently this as now closed the one right next to the boat bridge, anyway will apreciate if anyone knows some good places will have a few good hours to have a for old times sake have a we flutter.

Mfme 3.2 Sound Loss

22 January 2013 - 06:52 PM

Hi guys anyone ever had this ive had this emulator on pc for years and suddenly the sound as just disapeared all other sounds r fine on pc the game rom still runs fine tried downloading again but to no avail, jpm emulator still works fine appreciate any help cheers.