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Member Since 02 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 11 2009 10:29 AM

Topics I've Started

How to open MPU4

03 November 2009 - 10:25 AM

Hello All,

In my previous post some mentioned it is possible my machine has a battery leak on my MPU4 board.
But I don't know how to open this board, does someone have a step by step (with pictures) guid how to diasassemble this board?

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,


Help on MPU4 machine

02 November 2009 - 11:45 AM

Hi All,

A year ago I've purchased a Turbo Reel from Barcrest (MPU4 machine).
This machine is developed for the Dutch market.
Until last week I could play normally without any problems, but now I'm having some difficulties with this machine and I hope you tech guys can help me.
The problem:

When I start the machine/power switch the machine boots up (displaying RESET_ETH DTR) and after the complete boot the machine stands for about 20 seconds in normal modus.
Then the machine resets itself again (displaying RESTET_ETH DTR 6.0) and (this reset is often a couple times after each other) finally the message "Door is open" is presented on the screen.

No door is open at this moment, I checked all the connectors with measurement tools and the connectors are OK.

The only thing I can do at thios moment is wait, because after 20 minutes the machine resets itself automatically and works fine afterwards.

When I power off the machine and power on again no problem occurs.

I think its a loose contact or something on the board and when it warms up the circuits connect to each other.
Is this possible and how can I check this?

I hope you all can help me.

Thanks in advance.

