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Member Since 11 Jan 2004
Offline Last Active Jun 22 2011 04:34 PM

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In Topic: entertaining (yet frustrating) game

06 December 2007 - 03:25 PM

Nah game is just annoying

Gave up playing that already lol The GK has about an 80-85% success rate on all saves. For a first time player its to aggressive learning curve

Thats true about 90% of MOusebreaker games though

In Topic: Introducing my new baby

01 November 2007 - 10:32 AM

You can when the 2nd hand price is less than 20k for a car less than a year old, less than 10,000 on the clock and if driven the right way will do much more than 17mpg

Just making the point that rather than looking at the first thing you like the look of, look around, Renaults are well known for faults and nothing being done about them. where as the Monaro has a proven track record over the last 5 years with not many complaints.

Most people look fall in love then buy and face the fallout

In Topic: Introducing my new baby

30 October 2007 - 10:49 AM

Yeah the fact that its Renault would make me steer well clear of them

They have so many production errors in there cars that the refuse to acknowledge

I would not spend that much on anything made by a french car company.

Sorry to rain on your parade and all lol

I would of gone for Vauxhall MONARO 5.7V8 COUPE on a 56 plate for less than £20,000 more value than any renault (they hold there price well and are fun and cheap to maintain)

Also the Renault looks like crap Bad styling if you ask me no lines that flow on it

In Topic: Penalty charges from banks - get it back!

07 March 2007 - 10:53 AM

yes they can close them within 30 days. But most of the accounts closed have come with the money that you receive from claiming back your charges.

IE you send letter claiming, bank send the money to you in a cheque and a letter saying your account is closed with immediate effect. This is the process that is illegal.

I havent heard of any bank giving 30 days notice to anyone as yet. My info comes from various websites and news reports on this matter.

In Topic: Penalty charges from banks - get it back!

06 March 2007 - 10:29 AM

It is illegal for banks to close your account. Even if you have claimed back your Charges. If this happens you then report it to the FSA or the Ombudsmen(i think thats the correct spelling)

They have to notify you 7 days in advance and give a good reason why they are closing it. Claiming back charges is not a reason for them to close your account.

Say this to them when you claim. Make a point that if they close your account you will be speaking to the above people